Meditation for Relaxation

So, not breaking the continuity of my commitment to provide something new in meditation field, today i am telling you a meditation session for getting relaxed, because being relaxed is a great way to think better for our life, for our dreams and for our self .

So just sit with me for sometime, forget all other works for sometime and believe me, you will feel the difference :)

Ready? good. now just follow these simple steps with me -

  1. Sit on your chair, close your eyes, hold your hands up and rub them.
  2. Now put the palm on your eyes, feel the warmth of your hand on your eyes, slowly slowly.
  3. If necessary again rub your hands together, and put it on your eyes, feel the warmth in your whole body.
  4. Now hold, put your hands in your lap, easily. Don't stretch and don't be loose.
  5. Sit in a comfortable posture.
  6. Take 5 deep breathes. Countdown 5,4,3,2,1,0
  7. Ah! Relax your mind, full relax mode.
  8. Relax your body; don't put any type of stretch. Just be cool.
  9. Now try to focus on thoughts. Just watch every thought
  10. Never let go any thought without your permission.
  11. Have a sweet but strict focus… just see whatever coming in your mind, feel it from your inner peace… enjoy on every step… just enjoy… if there is any mistake, don't worry, if is there any sad moment, go in deep to search for the solution... Never let it go without thinking.
  12. Examine your memory, memory out of memory; just take out all the thoughts which are sleeping in your mind from last years. Have a look on them… and than be happy on you that you have recall all the memories.
  13. now take 5 deep breathes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 again hold your hands up rub them, and put it on your eyes. Feel the warmth in your body mind and soul, and get up with fresh energy.
enjoyed? relaxed? cool. so keep trying this on daily basis. and don't forget to tell me yours experiences with this simplest meditation technique.

Comments 2 comments
Anonymous said...

good article, very much informative..

Kavi Kulwant said...

great work.. heartist congratulations..
kavi kulwant singh


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