Meditation - an introduction

We all know the history of meditation, healing from meditation, and benefits of meditation, But than also we are confused when the term meditation appears in front of us, many people get confused that what is the use of meditation (an ancient art) in a modern time, where lots of modern, scientific technologies are in use. Most people think that meditation is just nothing than a time pass, or stress relieving formula, or people may think that its just a money making formula to loot people, and get money as now these days people are suffering with much problems, and everyone is willing to get a shortcut. But I must say that all sayings are just very far from reality. The reality is as modern techniques are coming, but all these are from ancient technique also, the base of modern science is situated at ancient science. We cannot forget the work of ancient periodic scientists in this modern area. Meditation techniques are also improving as per the need of our modern society. Now doing meditation is easier than ancient times, now we have different approaches, now we have different motto in our life, and meditation is able to help you to get all these things. Now, meditation is just not to approach God, but it is very useful to get materialistic things also.

Meditation is just not a hypothesis, it's a law, or we can say it is group of law, law for our living style, law for our working style, law to make change in our point of view towards life, law to make change in our bad luck into good luck. Meditation is full of laws, and gives a great platform to do many experiments. Experiments, which are base of any scientific formula. You should have a problem first, make a hypothesis, do meditation experiments on them and get the result, or if you do not want to do experiment than learn the way of doing meditation and get the result, but you have to do it. Meditation does not depend on believe, meditation does not need blind faith. It needs your honesty, and hard work, and you will get the result. Formula of meditation is, think about a problem, focus on it, concentrate your mind, project your time for it and get the result.

Comments 3 comments
Anonymous said...

very much informative..

सागर नाहर said...

naye blog ke liye badhaiya...

Kavi Kulwant said...

Great job! heartiest congratulations..


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